Ameda ComfortGel™ Hydrogel Pads - 2 count

Price 14.10 - 16.99 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 32884165407, 32884168576, 610075172627

Brand Ameda

Manufacture Evenflo Company, Inc.

Helps provide pain relief for breastfeeding mothers on contact. Provides relief for nipple soreness or cracks by soothing, cooling and protecting nipples while providing a environment for optimal healing that hospital have recommended for years. Longer lasting than other brands, extended use hydrogel pads can be rinsed and reused for up to 6 days. Fits discreetly inside nursing bra. No cloth backing to trap moisture or to dry before use after washing. Should not be used at the same time as other topical nipple care products, including lanolin. Two ComfortGel Hydrogel Pads per envelope. Legal Statements: This and all items from Ameda are excluded from all promotions and discounts except where otherwise noted on product detail pages.